In recognition on Earth Day, approximately 50 Sempra LNG employees and their families participated in an environmental project with Texas Parks & Wildlife and Dick Dowling Lion’s Club for the cleanup and beautification of Bert Karrer Lion’s Park in Sabine Pass, Texas.
“Sempra LNG is committed to doing the right thing, championing people and communities, and shaping the future,” said Kelly Prasser, senior external affairs manager for Sempra LNG. “As we continue to create sustainable value and develop LNG projects that can support the global energy transition, we also are committed to putting our energy behind efforts that make a real difference in the community.”
The Sempra LNG environmental champions activities included:
- Collecting more than 40 bags of garbage and debris,
- Removing rusted and dangerous playground equipment and picnic tables,
- Building new park benches, and
- Planting new flower beds.
For the past five years, Sempra LNG employees and their families have volunteered for the annual Adopt-a-Beach Clean Up to help keep the 5-mile stretch of beach located in Sea Rim State Park clear of trash and debris. This year, due to inclement weather and high tides at the beach, the team redirected their efforts to beautify Bert Karrer Lion’s Park.
In 2019, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department presented the company with the “Stars in Our Parks” award, in recognition of its environmental stewardship and as a valued community partner.