At Sempra Infrastructure, we believe that the protection and preservation of the environment can be compatible with the responsible development of energy infrastructure. A clear example of this is our cross-border wind farm between Mexico and the United States, Energía Sierra Juárez in Tecate, Baja California.
Energía Sierra Juárez is a sustainable project that allows us to continue moving towards a new era of cleaner energy in North America.
In January 2022, our wind farm increased its original installed capacity by 70%, from 47 wind turbines with an installed capacity of 155 MW to 73 wind turbines with a total generation capacity of 263 MW. The electricity generated by ESJ last year was equivalent to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by about 141,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year.
Protecting the endemic species of the region
As part of our Environmental Management Plan, we implemented the conservation of endemic flora and fauna project, managing to relocate more than 20 thousand species of plants reaching a survival rate close to 90%.
Preserving Local Roots
In line with our commitment to the communities in which we operate, we collaborate with the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) in Baja California, to modify the construction design of Phase 2 of the project, with the goal of protecting the archaeological site found near El Vallecito, the only archaeological zone in the state.
Thanks to this effort, the INAH is able to continue studying the origin and legacy of the Yuman pre-Hispanic civilizations’ archaeological remains dating between the years 700 and 1,800.
With projects such as Energía Sierra Juárez, we continue to deliver energy for a better world and future.